Diocese of Chichester Youth


If you are looking to recruit a new youth, children or families worker then please get in touch with youth@chichester.anglican.org so that we can offer direct support for you during the planning, recruiting and induction phases of recruitment.

When recruiting a new member of staff you will want to ask them to provide you with a CV as part of their application process. There is extra information that you will want to ensure that you collect when they apply for the role. You need a declaration from them that they are allowed to work in the UK and you will want to collect references which they may not give details of in their CV. To the left you will find links to generic forms which you can tweak to send out as part of the application pack when advertising.


Depending on the type of post you are advertising for there are several websites available that are worth advertising your new post with - Listed to the left.

You should produce a short advert which piques the interest of potential applicants. You don't need to give all the details of the job - that's what the job description is for - The job title, place of work, salary and a sentence about the church/role/setting to give an idea of what the role is about. You probably also want to include a deadline for applications and interview date.

Some places allow you to post a graphic. Make it clear and easy to read but bold enough to stand out from others on a page.

Templates and forms

The Acas website has hundreds of example forms and tools and templates that are kept up to date with changes in legislation. If you're looking for example contracts, please head to


Use the Tools, templates and Resources link at the top of their website to find what you're looking for.

Where to advertise

We will advertise your role here on the Youth and Children's website and on the main Diocesan website free of charge. We will also circulate the advert in our regular ebulletins.

You may also want to consider these websites/publications:

Related Resources