Diocese of Chichester Youth


Hubs are local support groups located across the Diocese of Chichester with designated leaders who are qualified and have experience in Church-based work with children, young people and families. The leaders may from time to time organise a group get-together either in-person or on Zoom or set up a WhatsApp Group to support local leaders who are volunteers or salaried. The Hub leaders have agreed to be available as advisers for sharing ideas and resources. They may also organise training sessions.

The aim of Hubs is to provide:

  • Networking support at peer level for children’s and family leaders across parishes
  • Prayerful encouragement for the children’s leaders and the congregations they serve
  • Sharing of ideas and resources across parishes and deaneries
  • Friendship for those new to children's work and in particular those who have just completed the ALM children’s leadership elective
  • Spiritual and theological input from selected qualified and experienced leaders
  • Pastoral support for busy volunteers
  • Leadership training for ongoing professional development in children’s and family work

To find your local Hub and Hub Leader, look on the left hand side for your area/deanery. If there isn't one in your area then please do get in touch with us at: youth@chichester.anglican.org