Diocese of Chichester Youth

Youth & Children's Workers Link Up

We gather all children and youth workers across the diocese throughout the year at our Link Up events. These are for networking, discussing and training. They are held across the diocese in different locations to make it fair for everyone to be able to attend. We try to meet every month in some capacity.

Anyone is welcome to join us who works with under 18's within their church. It is primarily for paid workers, however we do have some volunteers who join us who are able to make the times and days of the events.

We start from 9.30am with breakfast before we jump into any sort of content of the morning. We end with lunch and more time to chat and connect with other people who are in similar roles across the diocese.

To keep up to date with all information please do make sure that you are part of our WhatsApp group called 'DofC Resource Sharing'. This group is for resource sharing only and asking work related questions. We also advertise all our events and retreats on this group for quick access. If you would like to join this group please get in touch with us:-  youth@chichester.anglican.org